User 17e8733fe2
07-12-2011 06:11:29
Dear chemaxon,
I am using conformers icon in marvin sketch for generating conformers. But now our team want to create conformers by thousonds of molecules. how can we do it?
User 17e8733fe2
07-12-2011 06:11:29
Dear chemaxon,
I am using conformers icon in marvin sketch for generating conformers. But now our team want to create conformers by thousonds of molecules. how can we do it?
ChemAxon afdac7b783
07-12-2011 11:47:11
MarvinBeans package contains cxcalx command line program that performs chemical calculations using calculator plugins. The calculations can be performed in single or batch mode.
You can read its documentation here:
/>The available calculations are listed in the following page:
/>and a simple example is given for every calculation: e.g.:
For example, if you have an sdf file which contains thousands of molecules and want to calculate the conformers of them, you can run the following command on a command prompt.
C:\>cxcalc -o conformertest.sdf conformers inputmols.sdf
It will result in an output file , conformertest.sdf , which contains the conformers of your input molecules - stored in inputmols.sdf.
If you have any further question, please do not hesitate to contact us.