User ece72b21c8
06-10-2011 11:52:43
I try to use the predictor plugin with marvinSketch. For that I've produced a Trainingset with instant JChem. Naturally this datafile is in the same file of the IJC projekt.
My problem is that I'm not able to use the trainingset. I tried to use the command line. There my code was:
C:\Programme\ChemAxon\MarvinBeans\bin\Cxtrain.bat prediction -t BP -i Boilingpoint C:\Arbeit Ifu\Testprojekt mit Daten von Roman\ Trainingtest
Is it correct that way? What else do I need to do?
I also tried to put the training file into the same file as the cxtrain file. Didn't work either.
Thanks and best regards,