calculating molecule energy

User 8fbca62edf

31-03-2011 14:32:57

Please, I using Instnat Jchem-5_4_1 and i would like .to how to calculate the energy of a molecule.

ChemAxon a3d59b832c

31-03-2011 14:57:32

See calculated fields:


See also these chemical terms functions:





User 8fbca62edf

31-03-2011 16:28:46

thanks Szabolcs, for your answer but i would like to know why the message "Chemical  Terms Expression is invalid" appears in red when using some functions like angle() in Instant JChem-5_4_1.

ChemAxon a3d59b832c

01-04-2011 07:30:13

Hi Francis,

I have moved over your question to the Chemical Terms section of the forum. My colleagues will answer soon.


Best regards,


ChemAxon e08c317633

01-04-2011 10:57:16

ndom wrote:

thanks Szabolcs, for your answer but i would like to know why the message "Chemical  Terms Expression is invalid" appears in red when using some functions like angle() in Instant JChem-5_4_1.

Some fuctions does not work without parameters. E.g. angle() fuction requires three atom indexes as parameter in form


For more see Chemical Terms Reference Tables.


User 8fbca62edf

23-11-2011 16:52:30

please, could someone describe to me how to use IJC to calculate the energy of a molecule?

ChemAxon afdac7b783

25-11-2011 07:41:07

1) Add a new Chemical Terms Field in IJC

2) Select the proper function from the Chemical Terms Reference Table:

3) IJC: Type it into the adding "New Chemical Terms" window.

4) Specify name of the new field. - Click OK

4) Wait until calculation is ready - check progress bar at the bottom.

5) See results in the new field.