User 3875ae43a1
10-03-2011 07:51:50
I am running "cxcalc" ,but return to the info: Error: Too many parameters. You are probably not using quotes for parameters that contain more words
my marvin verdion is 5.30, and the system is" XP"~~
how could i increase the parameter in "XP" , break the confine ?
I try to change the "cxcalc.bat"
{shift set P1=%0 shift set P2=%0 shift set P3=%0 shift set P4=%0 shift set P5=%0 shift set P6=%0 shift set P7=%0 shift set P8=%0 shift set P9=%0 shift set P10=%0 shift set P11=%0 shift set P12=%0 shift set P13=%0 shift set P14=%0 shift set P15=%0 shift set P16=%0 shift set P17=%0 shift set P18=%0 shift set P19=%0 shift set P20=%0 shift set P21=%0 shift set P22=%0 shift set P23=%0 shift set P24=%0 shift set P25=%0 shift set P26=%0 shift set P27=%0 shift set P28=%0 shift set P29=%0 shift set P30=%0 shift set P31=%0 shift set P32=%0 shift set P33=%0 shift set P34=%0 shift set P35=%0 shift set P36=%0 shift set P37=%0 shift set P38=%0 shift set P39=%0 shift set P40=%0 shift set ENDTEST=%0 if not _%ENDTEST%==_ goto Error REM ---------------- End of Marvin batch header -----------------------------}
ncrease the "set P **=%o" to "set P 99=%0"
{"%JVMPATH%" %JVMPARAM% chemaxon.marvin.Calculator %P1% %P2% %P3% %P4% %P5% %P6% %P7% %P8% %P9% %P10% %P11% %P12% %P13% %P14% %P15% %P16% %P17% %P18% %P19% %P20% %P21% %P22% %P23% %P24% %P25% %P26% %P27% %P28% %P29% %P30% %P31% %P32% %P33% %P34% %P35% %P36% %P37% %P38% %P39% %P40% REM ----------------- Begin of Marvin batch footer --------------------------}
and increase the size .
but the "cxcalc" can not calculate the data!
How can i do ?
Regards, and thanks!