Some stereoisomers are absent

User 5fe8796231

26-02-2010 14:11:48


 For cyclododecahexaene C1=CC=CC=CC=CC=CC=C1
MarvinSketch (Tools-Isomers-Stereoisomers, double bond stereo isomers)
gives 9 structures:
tttttt, cttttt, cctttt, ctcttt, cttctt, cccctt, ccctct, cctcct, cccccc
But 4 structures are absent:
ccccct, cccttt, cctctt, ctctct
(c is cis-double bond, t is trans-)



ChemAxon e08c317633

03-03-2010 15:21:11

genaev wrote:

For cyclododecahexaene C1=CC=CC=CC=CC=CC=C1
MarvinSketch (Tools-Isomers-Stereoisomers, double bond stereo isomers)
gives 9 structures:
tttttt, cttttt, cctttt, ctcttt, cttctt, cccctt, ccctct, cctcct, cccccc
But 4 structures are absent:
ccccct, cccttt, cctctt, ctctct
(c is cis-double bond, t is trans-)

StereoisomerPlugin filters duplicate structures. It seems the absent structures are considered to be duplicates, and they are filtered out. We will check this issue. Thank you for reporting this bug.


ChemAxon 60613ab728

24-06-2013 14:25:11

This bug is going to be fixed in the upcoming version 6.1 of Marvin and JChem.

Best Regards,
