User bff01cf213
29-05-2009 06:33:14
Dear All,
I am using evaluator to calculate the logP value with the command:
evaluate -e "logP()" test.smi
I have tried to calculate the relevant value for Tigecycline. The smiles format
is shown below:
The logp value I obtained is logP=-3.09
This value is rather different to the one reported to pubchem, drugbank and
experimental one as shown below:
Pubchem(XlogP) = -0.2
Drugbank (predicted)= 0.81 (alogps)
Experimental= 0.8
Could you please help me to this.
In addition, when I am trying to calculate the HB acceptor atoms using the
command: evaluate -e "acceptorcount()" test.smi
For the three following smile files I get different values to the ones
reported in pubchem as shown bellow:
evaluateAcceptorcount = 7 (pubchem =6)
evaluateAcceptorcount = 7 (pubchem =6)
evaluateAcceptorcount = 10 (pubchem =8)
Could you please also help me to this?
Many thanks,