User b9a20dfb36
30-10-2008 22:00:09
I am running Marvin 5.1.2 under Linux. I was trying to generate conformers for a peptide-like ligand with a guanidinium side chain with the conformer plugin (command-line version). The input file is in mol2 format which was generated from an x-ray structure of a protein-ligand complex from the PDB using insightII manualy and it is correct. The guanidinium group is nice and planar in the input structure but it becomes distorted in the conformers because the conformer plugin changes all the bonds in the guanidinium group into single bonds. Is there a way to prevent the program from changing bond types? Also, this is just a minor issue, but the columns of the output mol2 files are not aligned. It looks bad and makes column-based editing, when necessary, a pain.
Another issue: all the conformers in the output mol2 file have identical molecule id-s following the @<TRIPOS>MOLECULE line. This is bad because the docking program for which these conformers serve as input will overwrite them. Is there a way to have the conformer plugin add conformer numbers to the ligand name? For example, if the input name is ligand, the conformers would be called ligand_1, ligand_2, etc.
I am running Marvin 5.1.2 under Linux. I was trying to generate conformers for a peptide-like ligand with a guanidinium side chain with the conformer plugin (command-line version). The input file is in mol2 format which was generated from an x-ray structure of a protein-ligand complex from the PDB using insightII manualy and it is correct. The guanidinium group is nice and planar in the input structure but it becomes distorted in the conformers because the conformer plugin changes all the bonds in the guanidinium group into single bonds. Is there a way to prevent the program from changing bond types? Also, this is just a minor issue, but the columns of the output mol2 files are not aligned. It looks bad and makes column-based editing, when necessary, a pain.
Another issue: all the conformers in the output mol2 file have identical molecule id-s following the @<TRIPOS>MOLECULE line. This is bad because the docking program for which these conformers serve as input will overwrite them. Is there a way to have the conformer plugin add conformer numbers to the ligand name? For example, if the input name is ligand, the conformers would be called ligand_1, ligand_2, etc.