After opening a xyz-file the tools don't work ?

User 25d107bd42

07-05-2008 20:24:29


when I open a xyz-file coming from other calculation programs it is not possible to use the implemented tools. I get always "answers" of the program MarvinSketch like:

Cannot run plugin: Geometry

Calculation result is not defined for query molecules

Cannot run plugin: Huckel Analysis

Calculation result is not defined for query molecules

Cannot ... and so on

Why is f.e. the Dreiding Energy for a given structure not defined ?

Only "Clean 3D does work",

but the molecule is still not fully editable and the tools don't work.

I can add double bonds to the structure by double click with the single bond tool. OK.

But when I add a new bond, such as the amino group in the middle of the example in the screenshot534, the single bonds of the molecule get dotted. What does that mean ?

Regards, Hans-Ulrich

ChemAxon e08c317633

07-05-2008 23:48:54


Please see this post: Calculation result is not defined for query molecules.
