logp() function in evaluater

User 4b8a3205dc

11-03-2008 10:41:50

While i am running evaluater for finding logp values complete output is not coming. For example if there are 100 inputs then only for 95 the results are coming. Is there any solution to resolve this problem

ChemAxon e08c317633

11-03-2008 11:14:02


Could you attach a file that can be used for reproducing the error?


User 4b8a3205dc

13-03-2008 11:52:17

i had run in linux and attached the file for your kind perusal.

User 851ac690a0

13-03-2008 22:10:32


All molecules are corrupted. The problem is that certain carbon atoms have 5 bonds. This is why calculation of logP was not possible.
