User f564ccf382
18-10-2007 14:55:59
To whom it concerns,
I have marvinbeans-4_1_13-linux installed on 2 separate computers. My experiments create SMILES structures whose properties are calculated using the plugins(please see the attached java file When I run cxcalc to calculate the logP of the SMILES molecule I get the same value on both machines. But, when I run the java code I get different values for logP.
For example, the SMILES molecule is c12nncc1ncncc2N(CC) and this is saved in the file Individual.sdf.
java chemaxon.marvin.calculations.My_MolCalculator_Two > Test.txt
gives the following results:
MACHINE A : 2, 5, 1, -1.0122, 175.19076 , CCNc1cncnc2cnnc12
MACHINE B : 2, 5, 1, 0.298699, 175.19076, CCNc1cncnc2cnnc12
I would be very grateful if anybody could explain the discrepancy in the logP values.
Miriam O'Riordan
I have marvinbeans-4_1_13-linux installed on 2 separate computers. My experiments create SMILES structures whose properties are calculated using the plugins(please see the attached java file When I run cxcalc to calculate the logP of the SMILES molecule I get the same value on both machines. But, when I run the java code I get different values for logP.
For example, the SMILES molecule is c12nncc1ncncc2N(CC) and this is saved in the file Individual.sdf.
java chemaxon.marvin.calculations.My_MolCalculator_Two > Test.txt
gives the following results:
MACHINE A : 2, 5, 1, -1.0122, 175.19076 , CCNc1cncnc2cnnc12
MACHINE B : 2, 5, 1, 0.298699, 175.19076, CCNc1cncnc2cnnc12
I would be very grateful if anybody could explain the discrepancy in the logP values.
Miriam O'Riordan