
User 21b7e0228c

13-07-2006 16:16:18

I can't find the ConformerPlugin class- with JChem 3.1.7 installed, my javac keeps complaining about ConformerPlugin not found although I have the following includes:

import chemaxon.struc.*;

import chemaxon.formats.*;

import chemaxon.marvin.modules.*;


import java.util.*;

import java.lang.*;

import chemaxon.marvin.calculations.*;

import chemaxon.marvin.plugin.*;

import chemaxon.reaction.Standardizer;

What am I missing?

ChemAxon e08c317633

14-07-2006 10:38:12

Hi Dragos,

You are not missing anything. The ConformerPlugin will be available only in the Marvin 4.1 release (coming soon) and in the JChem 3.2 release (coming in few months). For the meantime you can use Marvin 4.1 alpha release, which can be downloaded from .

You need to import chemaxon.marvin.calculations.ConformerPlugin to use it, so your imports are OK.

Best regards,


User 21b7e0228c

25-07-2006 14:23:53

Hi, Zsolt - for some obscure reasons, clicking on the download links of the alpha version throws my browser (fireFox) back to the chemaxon home page!

ChemAxon e08c317633

25-07-2006 15:30:13

Hi Dragos,

Please try this link:

Which one Marvin Beans installer package (platform) you tried to download?

Clear your browser's cache, maybe it can help.



User f52820d97e

26-07-2006 14:00:13

Hi, Zsolt

I have the same pb when trying to download the marvinapplets (not the beans)

Back to the home page...



User f52820d97e

26-07-2006 14:02:00



ChemAxon e08c317633

26-07-2006 14:29:13

We have corrected the link on our download page. Thank you for reporting.

User 21b7e0228c

27-07-2006 09:43:09

OK, got my marvin_alpha installed and the conformer generation (joined file) compiles properly - if I modify the CLASSPATH to include marvin_alpha marvin.jar jmarvin.jar sjars/batik-core.jar and sjars/plugin/ConformerPlugin.jar. However, when I try to make it run I get:

Generating conformers of molecule 1... -> so far, so good! that's my println

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: chemaxon.marvin.plugin.CalculatorPlugin.f(Lchemaxon/struc/Molecule;)V

at chemaxon.marvin.calculations.ConformerPlugin.standardize(Unknown Source)

at chemaxon.marvin.plugin.CalculatorPlugin.createStandardizedMolecule(

at chemaxon.marvin.plugin.CalculatorPlugin.setMolecule(

at chemaxon.marvin.plugin.CalculatorPlugin.setMolecule(

at chemaxon.marvin.plugin.CalculatorPlugin.setMolecule(

at Utils.Conformers.<init>(

at Utils.Conformers.main(

It does not appear to be a molecule-specific issue!

ChemAxon e08c317633

27-07-2006 12:41:42

Sorry, this is a bug ( related to switching between new and old conformer calculation algorithm) that only affects API usage. In the next alpha release (coming this week, probably tomorrow) it will be fixed.

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

28-07-2006 17:13:43

The new alpha release (Marvin 4.1.0alpha20) is available.

User 21b7e0228c

20-09-2006 09:07:13

OK - so we made it past the compilation phase, ConformerPlugin being well available now (we're in marvin 4.1.1 and jchem 3.1.7). We get however a

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.AbstractMethodError

at chemaxon.marvin.plugin.CalculatorPlugin.setMolecule(

at chemaxon.marvin.plugin.CalculatorPlugin.setMolecule(

at chemaxon.marvin.plugin.CalculatorPlugin.setMolecule(

at Utils.Conformers.<init>(

at Utils.Conformers.main(

Huh - AbstractMethodError??? Joined the code & the unlucky molecules (but since it happened at the first, I suppose any molecules would cause the error). Our CLASSPATH included jchem.jar and ALL the jars in the marvin directory. Good luck!

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

20-09-2006 09:36:36

Please, do not mix the code of Marvin Applets and JChem package: it can cause unexpected errors.

There are several classes that both packages include. But the two packages are compiled with different tools. Furthermore, they can include different version of the same file.

"jchem.jar" also includes Marvin API. Thus, please remove Marvin jars from the CLASSPATH.

User 21b7e0228c

22-09-2006 08:03:23

yeah, that's what I tried at the first ... but then it says ConformerPlugin not found! The only way to make it find ConformerPlugin was to add Marvin to CLASSPATH!

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

22-09-2006 11:26:57

JChem 3.1.7 includes Marvin 4.0.6. This Marvin release does not contain ConformerPlugin. ConformerPlugin is available since Marvin 4.1. The new JChem major release are going to include Marvin 4.1.x. Try the latest test release of JChem that already includes ConformerPlugin and other new Marvin features.

Download JChem test releases