User 0d64032b61
05-05-2015 02:31:19
Hi, I use Marvin JS transferring molfile to my jchem server and use cxcalc or the class NMRCalculator to calculate the molecule's NMR. how can I depict the spectrum on the client's browser? I reviewed the Java code example, but failed to find the detail, except a segment as following:
... ...
// exporting the NMR spectrum into JCAMP-DX format
String jcamp = NMRExporter.exportToJcampDX(spectrum);
// exporting the NMR spectrum into Molecule with an NMR property
String propertyName = "1H NMR shifts";
Molecule molWithNMR = NMRExporter.exportToMol(spectrum, propertyName);
double[][] xy = NMRExporter.export(spectrum, domainMin, domainMax, resolution);
I didn't find a class with NMRExporter. Is there a rendering API for JDX format? or need I customize the image on client's browser with X/Y myself?