Dipole Calculator Plug-in missing

User 74118a1900

12-09-2014 17:23:10


I was given a license to Marvin for a graduate level class I am taking. Unfortunately, it seems that the version I was given does not include the dipole moment calculator plug-in. We are required to use it. How can I get this plug in separately? Or should I try downloading the program again? Below is the error message I receive when I try to do the calculation:

No license file was found.
Product name: Charge Plugin Group
Licenses are read from:
Please visit http://www.chemaxon.com/contact-us/ or contact sales _at_ chemaxon.com to obtain the corresponding license. 

We are looking at rather large molecules, so calculating the dipole moment manually isn't really an option. (I saw another post about that on the site). 

ChemAxon d51151248d

15-09-2014 10:22:05


The problem is that the license for that calculation group could not be found. Unfortunately we couldn't find an academic license registered under your name. If you have a valid license, please make sure that you installed it correctly. The license installation procedure can be found here:


If you don't have a valid license or it has experied, please apply for a free academic license here:


I hope this helps.
