How do I calculate
the pKa of your site.
Here is a from step to step recipe how to use the "site".
Steps. See the "zipped" file too.
1. Open the "www.chemaxon.com" site in your web browser, Fig. 1
2. Click on the "Product" tag. Fig. 2
3. Click on the "MarvinSketch" tag. Fig. 3.
4. The product page of the MArvinSketch will appear. Fig. 4
5. Click on the "Try Online" tag. Fig.5
6. Sometimes , you need to install a certain "java plugin". Fig. 6.
6.a. Just click on the "Activate Java Platform ..."
6.b. In 1-2 minutes the activation process will be successfull and the "MarvinSketch" graphical user interface will be loaded. Fig. 6b
7. On the MarvinSketch canvas you need to draw the structure of the molecule you want to calculate pKa value. Fig. 7
8. Click on the "Calculations" tag. Fig. 8
9. Click on the "Protonation" and the "pKa" tags. Fig. 9
10. The "pKa calculation" option panel will be appearing. Fig. 10
11. To run the pKa calculation just click on the "OK" button. The result will appear in a new window Fig. 11
11.a. When the "warning-information" window appear just click on the "OK" Fig.11a
12. In case of very weak basic or acid groups you may need to change the default calculation limits. Fig.12
13. In this example the "Min basic pKa" and the "Min acidc pKa" limit changed according to Fig. 13
14. And the calculated pKa values according to the new limits are shown on the Fig.14.
Please try to do these steps. If you are OK, we can continue the discussion further.