Copy/paste from MarvinSketch to Microsoft office for Mac OSX

User 74a22c3aaf

10-12-2012 03:15:09


Microsoft office 2011 for Mac OS X 10.8.2
MarvinSketch 5.11.4

I would like to copy chemical structures from MarvinSketch to Word and the only thing I got is a PDF drawing, and with that it is impossible to modify the structure directly through Word (I mean by a double click linking the *.doc* document to MarvinSketch.

The OLE clipboard is not available in MarvinStetck when I tried to copy structures. 

I have downloaded JChem.NET documentations (and the programme JChem for Java users) but I still cannot see the Marvin OLE option when I try to copy the molecule from *.mrv* files.

Could you help me to fix that please? thank you in advance.

MR, a new mac user that starting to be desapointed.

ChemAxon 00ec07c969

11-12-2012 10:37:02

Dear Marysa,

unfortunately, OLE copy is not supported in Mac OS X. Chemical structures embedded into MS-Office documents can be edited only under Windows. In Mac, the structure will be embedded in pdf format.

Best regards,


User 74a22c3aaf

11-12-2012 19:29:36

Ok, thank you Dora. But do you know if it is planned to have this tool (OLE copy) one day on Mac OS X?


(sorry for the triple post ;)

User 2466ee5d97

13-03-2013 09:36:16

You can embed the structure information in the meta data of the image and then read it when the image is pasted back into Marvin. I think this is how other chemical drawing applications work.

ChemAxon 2c555f5717

13-03-2013 11:21:40

As far as I know, they don't plan to ever implement OLE in Mac OS X. Sorry. :(

ChemAxon f052bdfe3c

13-03-2013 17:32:58

"You can embed the structure information in the
meta data of the image and then read it when the image is pasted back
into Marvin. I think this is how other chemical drawing applications

Yes. Marvin does the same: Native PDF format as the default image pasteboard format is used on MAC
systems. It allows the user to copy a structure (which was originally
created by either Marvin or ChemDraw) from a Microsoft Office 2011
document and to paste it to Marvin.

User 870ab5b546

18-03-2013 17:31:50

Marysa: You may have missed the point later in the thread, but to edit the Marvin picture, all you have to do is copy it in Word and paste it back into Marvin.  Admittedly, it's less convenient than just double-clicking on the picture, but Mac users haven't had that ability since Word 5 and ChemDraw 3, many, many years ago.