User 25d107bd42
13-11-2012 08:19:00
Hi Marvin developer,
while preparing student courses next week I found a severe bug in pKa calculation for hydrogen sulfide H2S.
1) The concentration in the basic region is up to 150 %, see attached screen shot.
And by the way some points more:
2) Please use semicolons to seperate more than one pKa values, see screen shot.
3) And delete the option "Decimal places - infinite". It cannot be "infinite" (and using it shows only 10 ) and exceeding 2 decimal places does not make any sense. How precise is the simulation Marvin uses ?
Best regards, Hans-Ulrich
User 851ac690a0
14-11-2012 10:46:39
The "H2S" distribution bug fixed.
The fix will be available in the 5.11.5 version.
The "semicolon" and the "infinite" problem also will be fixed in the 5.11.5 version.
Thanks for reporting bugs.
User 25d107bd42
25-11-2012 21:22:55
Hi Joszi,
now I have a new problem: What is the meaning of the blue value "-8.97" ?
Blue means normally "pKa of the corresponding acid", but here ?
Best regards, Hans-Ulrich
User 851ac690a0
26-11-2012 09:16:52
It means that the cationic form "H3S+ " is present in the solution in fifty percent at "pH = -8.97".
User 25d107bd42
26-11-2012 10:43:22
Hi Jozsi,
OK, it's meant as the basic pKa of H2S. But in the display the order of the acids is:
H2S - HS- - H3S+
This is not usable in student courses, it's illogical. It should be in the order:
H3S+ - H2S - HS-
And in this context some more suggestions: Please change the default options of MarvinSketch for simulating pKa values as shown in the attached screenshot. We must set these options in each student course to reasonable values.
Best regards, Hans-Ulrich
User 851ac690a0
26-11-2012 17:38:40
Ok, it is logical what you propose in respect of ordering the pKa values according to their "acidc" strength. We will do this changes.
Changing of the default setting on the graphical user interface is also Ok. It will be available asap.
User 25d107bd42
27-11-2012 13:54:37
Hi Joszi,
these are very good news. I've changed the title of this topic.
Thank you.
Best regards, Hans-Ulrich