ChemAxon 74610a0807
19-10-2012 20:20:05
I have noticed the following bug in Marvin 5.10 and 5.11.2 on Linux (x86-64). When a Marvin file contains a dashed arrow, the preview pane in the file open dialog window appears to choke, freezing the entire program and requiring a console forced kill. If preview is turned off, the file opens fine. Interestingly, if the dashed arrow is the *only* object in the Marvin file, it previews and opens fine. Some example code is below and are also attached as files.
This is broken:
<?xml version="1.0"?><cml version="ChemAxon file format v5.10.0, generated by v5.11.1">
<MTextBox id="o1" toption="NOROT" fontScale="10.0" halign="LEFT" valign="TOP" autoSize="false">
<Field name="text">+</Field>
<MPoint x="-17.104999542236328" y="-5.884999990463257"></MPoint>
<MPoint x="-16.55059954223633" y="-5.884999990463237"></MPoint>
<MPoint x="-16.55059954223633" y="-6.685799990463238"></MPoint>
<MPoint x="-17.104999542236335" y="-6.6857999904632575"></MPoint>
<MPolyline id="o2" headFlags="32" headLength="0.6" headWidth="0.4">
<MPoint x="-15.564998626708984" y="-38.554996490478516"></MPoint>
<MPoint x="-12.043763309721783" y="-38.55499649047852"></MPoint>
This appears to work:
<?xml version="1.0"?><cml version="ChemAxon file format v5.10.0, generated by v5.11.1">
<MPolyline id="o1" headFlags="32" headLength="0.6" headWidth="0.4">
<MPoint x="-15.564998626708984" y="-38.554996490478516"></MPoint>
<MPoint x="-12.043763309721783" y="-38.55499649047852"></MPoint>
Mike Braden