User ea0ddb6d13
09-10-2012 08:28:27
When I'm using Conformation search in Marvin Sketch and I want to drag and drop molecules into sketching board to too 3D alignment nothing happens. With debug mode I get this message:
dnd.sketch.swing.SketchDnD: [Target] dragOver java.awt.Point[x=87,y=66]
dnd.sketch.swing.SketchDnD: [Target] dragOver
dnd.sketch.swing.SketchDnD: [Target] dragExit
dnd.view.swing.ViewDnD: REJECTED null chemaxon.marvin.common.swing.DnD@1562c67
Its not a big problem since copy/paste works well. Maybe it occures only in my computer, but still wanted to report this.
Best regards
ChemAxon f052bdfe3c
09-10-2012 19:34:02
Hi Geven,
Thank you for the bug report!
We are investigating it.
Best Regards,
ChemAxon d51151248d
10-10-2012 07:34:56
Hi Geven !
We investigated your posted problem but unfortunately we didn't manage to reproduce the bug.
Can you please give us the details of your machine architecture and the way you used MSketch ?
(operating system, did you use desktop Marvin or the web Applet version, etc. )
Thank you in advance,
User ea0ddb6d13
10-10-2012 14:45:34
I'm using Lenovo T420 laptop with Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 x64, i5-2430M - 2.4GHz Processor and 4GB of RAM.
I have tried this many times and result is always the same so the steps are:
1. Draw a structure
2. Conformational search
3. F5 and Drag conformers back into sketchboard -> nothing happens
Linux version in my workplace machine works perfectly.
ChemAxon d51151248d
11-10-2012 10:01:01
Dear Geven !
Thanks for your report. I managed to reproduce your bug . We are investigating the problem and hopefully
it will be fixed soon. Until that please use the Copy, Paste or Select functionality of the Conformation Plugin.
ChemAxon 5433b8e56b
19-11-2012 11:18:42
Hi Geven,
we have managed to fix this issue, and the fix will be released along with the 5.12 version of Marvin. We expect to release 5.12 in early january the latest.
Thank you for your report.