User 870ab5b546
04-10-2012 15:21:43
In Marvin 5.4, it was possible to stick the starting point of arrow 1 to the midpoint of arrow 2, so that if I moved arrow 2, the start of arrow 1 would follow. In Marvin 5.10, this is no longer possible. I would like you to reinstate the behavior.
Marvin 5.4:
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<MPolyline id="o2" headLength="0.8" headWidth="0.5">
<MPoint x="-3.9462499618530273" y="3.320625066757202" />
<MPoint x="0.3379940277615632" y="3.320625066757202" />
<MPolyline id="o3" headLength="0.8" headWidth="0.5">
<MMidPoint lineRef="o2" />
<MPoint x="-0.10610736693886547" y="0.2545347004992826" />
Marvin 5.10:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<cml version="ChemAxon file format v5.10.0, generated by v5.10.1">
<MPolyline id="o2" headLength="0.6" headWidth="0.4">
<MPoint x="-4.172325134277344E-7" y="1.323437511920929"/>
<MPoint x="5.400232142896096" y="1.7236444322656839"/>
<MPolyline id="o3" headLength="0.6" headWidth="0.4">
<MPoint x="2.694999933242798" y="1.4918750524520874"/>
<MPoint x="4.504813536993372" y="-1.6428140614732385"/>