molconvert cml to smiles

User ced945f4be

18-10-2005 10:58:29


I just downloaded Marvinbeans and tried to run molconvert to create (unique) smiles strings.

Could you tell me why molconverts reports "no structures found" on the attached cml file?

thanks and greetings


ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

18-10-2005 13:17:31

The problem is the <list> tag in your CML. Marvin does not support this tag.

How you generated this cml file?

I have attached the fixed cml file.

ChemAxon 587f88acea

18-10-2005 14:05:06

Hi Tamas,

Thanks for your reply and solution.

In fact I started with a cml file that simply opened with <cml> <molecule> (which didn't seem to work either), and had included later the <list> tag, which we use in a script that generates multiple structures in one file.

Anyway, I now know where to look.

