User 78538b9003
11-09-2012 08:39:04
I just installed the linux version of JChem and Marvin on the supercomputer of my University (series of 2cpus-4cores Intel L5420 in 64-bits). The installation apparently went well thus I started MarvinSketch and I got the usual window that I see with a MS-Windows version.
However, the drop-down menus, though apparently showing correctly, do not activate the sub-menu options, or do it improperly sometimes. By using the shortcut Ctrl-O, I can open a .mrv file and check that all the clickable commands do work correctly.
So my problem is to access all the other commands, by changing the options in the menu.
I launch the programs from my PC (which runs Windows XP), and I use a Xming server to display graphical contents.
Thus I found some comments about using
export AWT_TOOLKIT=MToolkit
and it partially solved my problems (MarvinSketch and MarvinView run nearly OK, with a warning only [Warning: Cannot convert string "-b&h-lucidasans-medium-r-normal-sans-*-140-*-*-p-*-iso8859-1" to type FontStruct]) but MarvinSpace does not start.
With the default option (AWT_TOOLKIT=XToolkit), MarvinSpace opens but the working space is blank, and the menu is not visible. Thus, unusable.
With the option AWT_TOOLKIT=MToolkit, MarvinSpace bugs, with the following error message
Warning: Cannot convert string "-b&h-lucidasans-medium-r-normal-sans-*-140-*-*-p-*-iso8859-1" to type FontStruct
# An unexpected error has been detected by Java Runtime Environment:
# SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x003cdc2d, pid=19499, tid=4159851408
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (11.3-b02 mixed mode linux-x86)
# Problematic frame:
# C [] pthread_mutex_lock+0x1d
# An error report file with more information is saved as:
# /home/4157cip1/dehareng/ChemAxon/MarvinBeans/hs_err_pid19499.log
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
# The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
# See problematic frame for where to report the bug.
Can you help me?