graphical arrows in configuration files

User 870ab5b546

28-08-2012 13:26:00

For a while I have had a configuration file with the following lines:

<item id="insertElectronFlow2"/>
<item id="insertElectronFlow"/>
<item id="insertRectangle"/>
<item id="insertArrow"/>
<item id="insertTwoHeadedArrow"/>

When I upgraded some users from Marvin to Marvin 5.10.2, I found that the Insert Arrow button no longer appeared on the toolbar.  After some investigation, I found that I needed to change the configuration file to:

<item id="insertElectronFlow2"/>
<item id="insertElectronFlow"/>
<item id="insertRectangle"/>
<item id="insertArrow"/>
<item id="GraphicArrows.insertArrow"/>
<item id="insertTwoHeadedArrow"/>

I keep the old "insertArrow" line because I use this configuration file for both Marvin and Marvin 5.10.2.  Marvin understands "insertArrow" and doesn't understand "GraphicArrows.insertArrow", and vice versa for Marvin 5.10.2.

In the future, I would be most appreciative if you did not make old configuration files incompatible with newer versions of Marvin.  

ChemAxon 5433b8e56b

31-08-2012 01:00:05

Hi Bob,

sorry for this inconvenience. We should take much more care when creating and releasing such incompatible changes in the future.

I can offer you that we can reintroduce the missing id, in the next releases, where this is possible to do. I also make part of this fix to check for other incompatible changes in the configuration files, and restore compatibility wherever possible, and document it carefully.

We will notify you about the versions where the fixes will be available.


ChemAxon 5433b8e56b

29-11-2012 10:03:10

Hi Bob,

we have discussed this issue finally, and the new arrows needed this change, since we have refactored some code, and the distinction became necessary.

Sorry for the inconvenience, but we can not change this back.
