User 37df300f74
01-08-2012 20:31:17
Hi there,
I am in the process to upgrade marvinbeans.jar from 5.1.7 into newer version 5.9 in order to use flexible alignment function.
However after I add all jar files from lib directory to classpath, I could not generate structure image at all with the following exception. I knew org.freehep.graphicsio.raw.RawImageWriterSpi.class is in the classpath by checking runtime, I do use jnbridge for this purpose.
javax.imageio.spi.ImageWriterSpi: Provider org.freehep.graphicsio.raw.RawImageWriterSpi not found
Do you know what happened and how to fix this problem?
Thanks a lot,
User 37df300f74
02-08-2012 15:23:07
More information. If I replace MarvinBeans.jar from v5.9 with earlier single and big marvinBeans.jar v5.1.7, then this image issue goes away. Of course, since now we have two different versions of many Marvin class, other problems occurs.
ChemAxon 5433b8e56b
02-08-2012 22:18:26
it is a bad or good news, but we have decided not to support jnbridge somewhat after we have starting to release a .Net version of Jchem and Marvin API. You can use it freely since it is part of the installation package of MarvinBeans, and JChem since 5.3.
You can find all the required dll-s under the Installation directory, usually it is C:\Program Files\Chemaxon folder.
As I assume, the problem is that the jnbridge mapping and the jnbproxies are not good for the actual image export functionalities, that are useing javax.imageio since Marvin 5.5, and in this way, for the image export, marvin tries to load the freehep extensions for javax.imageio.spi package, and this is causing the exception. You may try to remove the services folder from the freehep-graphicsio2.1.1.jar file from the lib folder of the installed MarvinBeans package, but we could not guarantee it will solve all the issues that may come up.
User 37df300f74
03-08-2012 14:20:32
Hi Istvan,
Thanks for this tip. It resolved image export issue for now.
ChemAxon 5433b8e56b
03-08-2012 16:34:50
I am glad to hear it, thanks for the feedback.