User 8c57fe7217
29-07-2012 23:18:05
MarvinSpace 5.10.1 is not working on Mac OS X (10.7.4). The error log starts with "java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:
However, MarvinSketch and MarvinView are working.
Thank you for any help you can provide.
ChemAxon eb65a25631
01-08-2012 13:49:54
The upcoming Marvin release 5.10.2 will contain the latest JOGL2 graphics library.
Please try using this version when it will be available, and don't hesitate to report back if it is not working either.
ChemAxon f052bdfe3c
01-08-2012 13:56:12
User 8c57fe7217
04-08-2012 18:14:36
Thank you for uploading an update to 5.10.2. I have downloaded and installed this new version on my Mac, and MarvinSpace is still not working. MarvinSketch and MarvinView appear to be okay. The i4jlauncher.config is [listed below] attached as as zip archive. It says there is a problem with java, but my other java apps are okay, including MarvinSketch and MarvinView.
User 8c57fe7217
05-08-2012 13:57:43
akovacs wrote: |
The upcoming Marvin release 5.10.2 will contain the latest JOGL2 graphics library.
Please try using this version when it will be available, and don't hesitate to report back if it is not working either.
I tried 5.10.2, and it is still not working on my Mac. I tried it on linux 12.04, and it works fine there. Perhaps there is a problem with my Java installation or configuration on the Mac. The zipped error log is attaced. Thanks.
ChemAxon eb65a25631
06-08-2012 07:40:41
Ok, thank you.
We will try to set up a test environment.
I will report back as soon as I find stg.
ChemAxon eb65a25631
10-08-2012 12:39:34
We've checked MarvinSpace 5.10.2 with OSX 10.7.x .
It worked for us in every case. (starting from MarvinSketch also).
The error message you pasted suggests, that there is a fundamental problem.
Could you send us the java console log with the increased verbosity?
(You have to turn on Java Console in Java Peeferences, and when you start MarvinSpace the Java console should appear. There you have to press '5' in order to increase the verbosity.)
User 8c57fe7217
10-08-2012 14:57:21
Thanks again. I switched on console in Java prefs, but I do not see the console upon trying to start MarvinSpace. I was also not able to set the verbosity level. However, I have attached a new error log as a zip archive.
ChemAxon eb65a25631
13-08-2012 08:33:43
User 8c57fe7217
13-08-2012 19:25:48
Thank you. I have attached the output from the java console.
ChemAxon eb65a25631
14-08-2012 08:53:51
Is that all the content of the Java Console?
It seems, it is only a part of it, and the important part (opening MarvinSpace) is missing.
(BTW, it is enough to set the verbosity to 5 right before opening MarvinSpace from MarvinSketch)
User 8c57fe7217
14-08-2012 18:16:18
akovacs wrote: |
Is that all the content of the Java Console?
It seems, it is only a part of it, and the important part (opening MarvinSpace) is missing.
(BTW, it is enough to set the verbosity to 5 right before opening MarvinSpace from MarvinSketch)
Yes, that was the entire contents of the Java Console. It did not log any errors stemming from trying to launch MarvinSpace. The MarvinSpace errors come up in a separate log window; I have sent the contents of this separate log previously.
I think my Java installation could be corrupted somehow, although I can run other applications that depend on Java, including MarvinSketch. It seems that MarvinSpace is the only program that cannot run.
It would be good if I could uninstall and reinstall Java, but this is not straightforward on the Mac. If you have any other suggestions, please let me know. Thanks.
ChemAxon eb65a25631
15-08-2012 09:20:09
I've gone throught all the lines once again, and this line caught my attention:
"security: Trusted libraries list file not found"
It is possible, that some security settings are too "strict", and does not allow loading of native libraries (which MarvinSpace/JOGL needs).
Anyways, you can try some demos here:
and check if they are working.
(though they might use the latest in-development jogl libraries)
User 8c57fe7217
15-08-2012 12:50:12
akovacs wrote: |
I've gone throught all the lines once again, and this line caught my attention:
"security: Trusted libraries list file not found"
It is possible, that some security settings are too "strict", and does not allow loading of native libraries (which MarvinSpace/JOGL needs).
Anyways, you can try some demos here:
and check if they are working.
(though they might use the latest in-development jogl libraries)
Hello: I tried the first demo (gears) and it would not run. The error was "unexpected exception: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException". Error log attached.
ChemAxon eb65a25631
15-08-2012 13:02:41
Well, it is exactly the same exception you experienced with MarvinSpace.
So, it seems the security policy of the Java VM does not allow to load native libraries on your machine.
You may try changing it, by adding the following lines:
grant {
to your java.policy file (it is posibly in /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Home )
(Editing this file needs Administrative privileges.)
This turns off all security checks. You may then try to run MarvinSpace/Gears Applet once again.
(And don't forget to revoke the modifications of java.policy after you finsihed your tests.)
ChemAxon eb65a25631
28-08-2012 16:17:54
I wrote it is possibly in the mentioned directory.
It might be something similar.
If there were no such file there, the one you created won't have any effect there.
When I will have chanche to check where the java.policy file should be on 10.7.x, I will report back.
ChemAxon eb65a25631
05-09-2012 12:54:33
User 8c57fe7217
23-09-2012 22:22:59
I am pleased to inform you that I have been able to get MarvinSpace (5.10.3) working again on my Mac (OS X, 10.8.1). I uninstalled Java and reinstalled it by downloading the latest version of Apple Java from the Apple site.
ChemAxon efa1591b5a
24-09-2012 13:11:41
Hi, thanks for the feedback.