ChemAxon e07e2a364b
06-06-2012 07:42:51
Dear users,
Marvin 5.10.0 beta is available for testing. For a full list of changes, please see below.
Bug reports: if you found a bug in this beta release, please let us know through the regular support channels.
June 08th, 2012: Marvin 5.10.0
New features and improvements
- MarvinSketch GUI
- New graphical arrows: equilibrium arrow, curved arrow, dashed arrow, and crossed arrow has been introduced. Documentation, Forum topic
- The built-in abbreviated groups can be easily extended and overridden with custom abbreviated group definitions. Documentation
- New display option has been introduced:peptide sequence can be visualized in 1-letter form besides the original 3-letter form.
- Cleaning preset is added to template sets. It can be controlled on the Template library dialog.
- When opening an item of the Recent File list fails, the entry is deleted.
- All query atoms and query properties are available from menu and toolbar by customization.
- Names of homology groups on "Advanced" tab of "Periodic System Dialog" and in "Template Library" have been updated.
- The elements of the Advanced tab on the Periodic System dialog are now available from MarvinSketch by typing as shortcuts.
- The picture of custom defined templates appear at the mouse tooltip when the name of the structure is unknown.
- The name of reaction arrow: "Resonance" and graphical arrow "Two-Headed Arrow" have been changed. Forum topic
- MarvinSketch Printing
- The page format settings on the print dialog is now stored and do not need to be reset when starting a printing job from MarvinSketch or MarvinView. Forum topic
- Import/Export
- Load/Save handling in UI
- Disconnected molecules can be saved separately in MSketch. Documentation.
- When saving a document opened by d2s in MView, MRV is offered as default format.
- Structure to Name (s2n)
- Extended and updated structure to common name dictionary.
- L-amino acid structures are all converted to L- traditional name.
- Name to Structure (n2s)
- Improved conversion of systematic names, notably names expressed as amides of acids, such as "pyridine-4-carboxylic acid (2-methoxy-ethyl)-methyl-amide".
- Extended and updated common name to structure dictionary.
- All peptide abbreviations are now consistently converted to the L- stereo form structure.
- Document to Structure (d2s)
- Document to Structure can be instructed to process only a subset of pages in a document using the new startPage and endPage format options.
- DNA nucleid acid sequence can be imported in four ways: ACGT, A-C-G-T, dAdCdGdT or dA-dC-dG-dT. RNA nucleic acid import accepts sequences like both ACGU and A-C-G-U.
- Load/Save handling in UI
- Molecule Representation
- Molecule/atom/bond properties
- Similarly to MolAtom, general properties are possible to be added to MolBond.
- New, simple way is provided to replace and used in Documentation.
- S-groups
- New method is introduced to set a data S-group to behave as relative after specifying its absolute position
- R-groups
- A new, fast method is available to delete one or more molecules from an R-group definition.
- Molecule/atom/bond properties
- Calculations
- Isomers (tautomer., reson.)
- Rational tautomer generation option has been introduced. Generation of All tautomers and Canonical tautomer can take this new option into consideration. Documentation
- NMR Predictor
- NMR Predictor is available in MarvinSketch. It accurately predicts 13C and 1H NMR spectra of standard organic molecules. See Product page and Documentation for more information.
- Services
- LocalService allows to set URL based JAR path.
- Isomers (tautomer., reson.)
- Structure Checker
- New checker: Absent Chiral Flag checker; when the molecule is chiral and all stereo centers are precisely marked, absolute chiral flag can be applied to the molecule. Documentation
- R-group Reference Error Checker is deprecated and has been split into three separate checkers:
- Partial clean fixer is available for certain structure checkers: it can fix the erroneous part of the molecule exclusively.
- Stereochemistry
- A new method is available that finds atoms that can become (s) or (r) stereo centers after the stereo arrangement of the bonds around the atom is specified.
- New parameter to set accessibility of special nodes in Advanced tab of Periodic System dialog: Documentation (Forum topic).
- MarvinSketch
- When MarvinSketch was launched from command line with -h or --help option, the application was not terminated after printing of help message.
- When using MSketchPane from an application, and pop it up as a modal dialog, its children could disappear behind the main application (e.g. DialogLauncher example).
- MarvinSketch GUI
- Scaling bug occured on the button of the template toolbar if there was a contracted group displayed on the button.
- "Calculations" menu did not appear in ISIS/Draw-like configuration.
- MarvinView GUI
- The title of the MView application window was not updated on file open and save.
- Applet
- Although a valid URL was given in sketchHelp applet parameter, Marvin applet loaded the default help by selecting Help->Help Content instead of the given URL.
- "My templates" became unavailable in applet after modifying it from template library. Forum topic.
- Painting
- The rb* atomic query property was not displayed at the mouse tooltip when it was set through its keyboard shortcut: ".rb*".
- Chemical Structure Painting
- Positioning of R-group labels was incorrect.
- Datatransfer
- Clipboard handling
- Copy as PDF used 100x100px as image metrics and not the appropriate size for the current scale in Mac OSX.
- Clipboard handling
- Import/Export
- The subscript information of the S-group generic bracket was not exported to MOL V3000 and V2000 formats.
- Export of compressed MOL files allowed too large coordinate values, which caused distortion in the molecule after importing it.
- After importing an RDfile that contains an empty S-group, its brackets didn't appear.
- Data S-groups were lost after exporting it to SDF format.
- Export to abbreviated group format did not work since 5.8.
- CXSMILES import added radicals to atoms that have coordinate bond to a central, metal atom.
- I/O of atom alias "," was not working in CXSMILES format.
- Format mrv had missing closing tags at the end of the generic S-group lines.
- MolExporter exported to MRV format using operating system specific line ending, '\n'.
- Standalone list atoms and labels were read as text boxes from CDX files.
- Component grouping was not recognized during CDX import.
- During the export to SKC format, chiral flags were lost and "AND enantiomer" flags were displayed.
- When opening a ChemDraw .cdx file or an ISIS/Draw .skc file containing structures with abbreviated groups, the attachment point of these groups was rendered incorrectly.
- Structure to Name (s2n)
- There were extraneous numbers in generated names for structures containing atom values.
- Generation of IUPAC names for large structures might have stopped before the timeout.
- Name to Structure (n2s)
- The n2s import option to specify the location of the custom dictionary was not thread-safe, and was not accessible in d2s.
- Name to structure failed to return a result on some very long names (several hundreds of characters).
- Document to Structure (d2s)
- Non-chemical data in embedded structures, for instance text labels, were not extracted from embedded documents.
- Some embedded structures were not extracted from office documents.
- Reactions embedded in documents were not extracted.
- Molconvert
- A NullPointerException appeared in the console instead of an error message when using molconvert to convert an image with skiperror parameter set without OSRA installed.
- Molecule Representation
- Valence Check
- Aromatic carbon cations having three ligands were handled incorrectly by the Valence check.
- False positive valence error was on aromatic rings which have sulfur ligand that is part of a ring.
- Removing explicit hydrogen atoms from LiH, CaH2, SH4, PH5, PbH2, PbH4 did not keep the original hydrogen count.
- Aromatic carbon cations having three ligands were handled incorrectly by the Valence check.
- S-groups
- Bracket positioning did not take the implicit hydrogen atoms into account.
- If data were added as "relative", the cleaning or arrange methods did not take them along with the fragment/component/molecule.
- The chirality of expanded S-group's atom changed, when there wasn't enough space in the canvas for the expanded S-group.
- After expanding S-groups, atoms of the molecule could overlap.
- Removal of explicit hydrogen being the only atom of an S-group was unsuccessful. New flag,
has been introduced, fo remove such hydrogens. - Exception was occurred when an abbreviated group was copied then pasted.
- Method
MulticenterTransform.transformMulticenters(Molecule mol)
andMulticenterTransform.restoreMulticenters(Molecule mol)
changed the number of implicit hydrogens of atoms.
- R-groups
- Fragmantation of an Rg-molecule resulted inconsistent molecules.
- Valence Check
- Clean 2D
- In case of selection, stereoinformation of the molecule during two dimensional cleaning was lost.
- Aromatization/dearomatization
- General aromatization worked incorrectly in case of molecules with a bond connecting 2 rings but not being part of any ring. Solving this problem, deprecated method
int[] getSSSRBondSet()
, was removed and, instead,BitSet getSSSRBondSet()
was introduced.
- General aromatization worked incorrectly in case of molecules with a bond connecting 2 rings but not being part of any ring. Solving this problem, deprecated method
- Calculations
- Isomers (tautomer., reson.)
- Tautomer generation was very slow on proteins.
- Some deuterium atoms were removed during tautomer generation. Forum.
- The structure of the generated tautomer was not cleaned if the input molecule contained abbreviated group(s).
- Isomers (tautomer., reson.)
- Structure Checker
- Clean Wedge fixer of Wedge Error checker had no effect in case of wedge bond between two chiral centers.
- Elemental Analyzer
- Elemental analyser calculated wrong molecular formula for molecules, that contains bond to a centroid.