R group attach point

User 37df300f74

02-05-2012 21:40:12


I have not upgraded my Marvin API for a long time. Now when I finally move to 5.9.2, some of my codes were broken. I could not find API to check whether an atom is attach point for a R group definition. atom.getRGroup() give 0 for all atoms in a R definition even through I defined attachpoint. can you show me the  trick to get attachpoint number (1 or 2).




ChemAxon e500b51457

03-05-2012 11:53:54


The attachment point handling has been changed since Marvin 5.4.
You can check whether the atom is an rgroup attachment with the atom.getAtno()==MolAtom.RGROUP_ATTACHMENT check.
The attached example code shows you more details about the new attachment point handling.
I hope this helps.


User 37df300f74

03-05-2012 13:52:05

Thank you Erika, How about different attach points? how to identify attach point 1 or 2 if happening on the same atom?

ChemAxon e500b51457

08-05-2012 07:58:34


I have modified the code example to show how to check the order of attachment points. Please note that the attachment point is the atom with atomic number MolAtom.RGROUP_ATTACHMENT.

