saving and undo in marvinSpace

User d73914e8de

27-04-2012 08:16:30


I am new to MarvinSpace.

I don't  find "undo" button in MarvinSpace. what should I do when I want to undo something?

If I want to save my unfinish work what should I do?


Best regards,


ChemAxon efa1591b5a

03-05-2012 17:29:56


Since MarvinSpace is a 3d molecule viewer (with some very limited and experimental editing features) it does not support the undo operation.

At present you cannot save structural data, only images.




User 25d107bd42

03-05-2012 19:46:10

Hi Dwi,

first I have a question here: What do you "do" with molecules in MarvinSpace before the request to "undo" it ?

Best regards, Hans-Ulrich

User d73914e8de

04-05-2012 13:45:24

Hi Miklos,

thank you for the information. I hope in the future MarvinSpace can have function to save structural data.


Hi Hans-Ulrich,

Suppose I chosed the wrong 4th atom when I wanted to measure the dihedral angle, then I unclicked the dihedral button and the canvas. the three atoms I have selected were not marked anymore. I thought I have removed my selection of the atoms. But when I tried to start again by clicking the button and choose another atom, it directly measured the angle from the last 3 atoms + this new one.

what did I do wrong?

Best regards,


User 25d107bd42

05-05-2012 11:41:41

Hi Dwi,

sorry, there was my misunderstanding. Nothing is wrong.
Your detailed description shows the problem and often I had the same situation.
Using MarvinSpace for many dihedral angles and after doing a mistake
while clicking the last atoms one has to start once more at the beginning.
It would be really fine to have an "undo".

Best regards, Hans-Ulrich

User d73914e8de

06-05-2012 10:32:38

Hi Hans-Ulrich,

thank you for the information.

I hope the marvin people will add this button for convinience.


best regards,


ChemAxon efa1591b5a

09-05-2012 07:32:46

Dear Dwi and dear Hans-Ulrich,

I understand and fully support your request, the undoing capability along with the save file feature would be great additions to marvinspace's functionality. However, the implementation of such extensions is unlikely in the near future, I'm afraid.

Kind regards,


User d73914e8de

10-05-2012 02:31:40

Thank you for the attention Miklos