Unable to install Marvin with jre on solaris system

User f875cff0a8

16-03-2012 10:42:40


Am getting an error while trying to install Marvinbeans(Marvinbeans-5.9.0-linux-with-jre.sh) with jre on my solaris10 system.Can anyone please give me
assistance in this area.


Unpacking JRE ...
Preparing JRE ...
unpack200: Cannot find /lib/ld-linux.so.2
Error unpacking jar files. The architecture or bitness (32/64)
of the bundled JVM might not match your machine.



Thank you

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

20-03-2012 12:09:03

The problem is that the bundled java in the Marvinbeans-5.9.0-linux-with-jre.sh installer is a Linux compatible Java version. It refers certain resources that are available only Linux machines.

Please, use the installer without Java.

If Java has not been installed yet, please setup it before the Marvin installation.

Anyway, the following forum topic proves that this Linux java compatibility issue exist by non ChemAxon installers too.
