Marvin 5.9 and Java 1.6

User 870ab5b546

13-03-2012 01:55:57


How heavily integrated is Java 1.6 throughout Marvin 5.9?  Is it limited to just a few modules?  If so, might it be possible to provide a Marvin applet with fewer features, but one that will work in browsers that are not Java 1.6-compatible?  There are still a lot of MacOS 10.5 users out there.

-- Bob

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

13-03-2012 12:49:50

Hi Bob,

Since Marvin 5.5 (May 3rd, 2011) , Marvin has required Java 1.6. Since than, several parts of the code have been refactored. Current code strongly uses Java 1.6 features. There is no way to compile current code with the deprecated 1.5 compiler.

If you need Java 1.5 compatible Marvin, use archive versions (5.4.x and earlier ones).

User 870ab5b546

13-03-2012 13:13:25

There is just one feature in Marvin 5.5+ that I would really, really like to have in Marvin 5.4.  If you could enable it, I would be happy.  It's the MarvinSketch defaultTool parameter:

msketch_param('defaultTool', 'select');

Would it be at all possible to enable this feature in a Marvin

ChemAxon f052bdfe3c

13-03-2012 22:45:15

I have to figure out and discuss it with the developer who implemented this feature whether is any way to to enable this feature in a Marvin



User 870ab5b546

15-03-2012 15:15:20

It would be acceptable to me if you make the Select tool the default tool whenever MarvinSketch is launched, even without the defaultTool parameter.

ChemAxon f052bdfe3c

24-03-2012 08:42:23

Dear Bob,

I am sorry to inform you that we cannot fullfeel this request due to the company policy.

Best Regards,
