Images without white space

User f0913f1f01

12-03-2012 14:12:53

Hi all,


I would like to generate images (preferably nice pdf's) without white space, i e the borders of the image should just fit the molecule without any additional space. This would make the incooperation in latex-documents much easier..

Thanks a lot!



ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

12-03-2012 16:23:01

Our PDF export creates a paper sized PDF document. It is not embeddable.

If you export  the structure from MarvinSketch application, the generated PDF includes the full MarvinSketch canvas.

If you use MolConverter, only the structure is scalled to the paper size.

Have you tried SVG? It is also a vector graphical format.

User 870ab5b546

12-03-2012 20:07:07

If you highlight a structure in MarvinSketch, then choose Edit -> Copy As... PNG image, you will get a PNG image that has no excess white space.

User 0bd39eaa05

12-03-2012 20:11:26

If you use Linux, there is a command called "pdfcrop filename.pdf" which removes all the white space of a pdf generated by MarvinSketch.