Different visualization of charges?

User 0bd39eaa05

07-02-2012 17:09:39

Is there a possibility to let the charges have a circle around them?

It is easier to discern them from the molecule and the atoms with charges are often the most important parts of a reaction/molecule. Especially the - sign easily gets lost when looking at molecules.

I couldn't find an option for that somewhere in the menus.

ChemAxon f052bdfe3c

09-02-2012 10:50:30

Unfortunately, we do not have this feature currently.

Best Regards,


User 25d107bd42

05-03-2012 15:46:30


the presentation of charges is really a problem in MarvinSketch. As shown in the attached screenshots, the plus and especially the minus signs are much too tiny. And after showing also the lone pairs the charges are nearly invisible.

One solution would be, to enlarge the font and to use this font in bold setting. To get a larger minus sign, I suggest to use instead of the hyphen (-) the underline ( _ ), which is often larger.

There could be a new option in Preferences - Structure - MarvinSketch - Charge labels FontType and FontSize.

Or both charges are inserted in the same way as the two lone pair dots (Are these little images ?).

Best regards, Hans-Ulrich

ChemAxon f052bdfe3c

07-03-2012 20:43:59

Thank you for highlighting this problem. I can also see that we have to improve our charge drawing, but unfortunately, we do not have enough capacity to do that for the 5.10 release.