User 1a8d11549a
02-02-2012 15:24:19
When opening a ChemDraw .cdx file or an ISIS/Draw .skc file containing structures with abbreviated groups, the attachment point of these groups is rendered incorrectly - it points to the center of the group, instead of pointing to the attachment atom (see attached screenshot). Are there any plans to fix this?
ChemAxon f052bdfe3c
02-02-2012 16:07:14
Dear Stefan,
Thank you for highlighting this problem. It is really a bug
and we are working on it.
Best Regards,
User 1a8d11549a
11-03-2012 09:42:31
Unfortunately there's still no fix for this really disturbing display issue in the newly released Marvin 5.9 . Are there any plans to fix this at all?
Regards, Stefan
ChemAxon f052bdfe3c
12-03-2012 19:35:31
We got your request right before our commit deadline, and had no time to fix it for 5.9. Yes, we still want to fix it, hopefully we can do it for 5.10 release . Until then, you can do it manually:
1., After opening your cdx or skc file, choose menu: Edit>Source>View>"ChemAxon Marvin Documents"
2., Add leftName="EtOOC" (or reverse of the name of your group) after the title of your group (see attached picture)
3., Choose: File>Import as>"Import as Recognized(..)"
User 1a8d11549a
12-03-2012 20:08:45
Thanks Efi. Since I am using Marvin integrated in my ELN application, I don't think that it is feasible to propose my users to perform this workaround every time they paste a ChemDraw sketch. So let's hope it will be fixed in 5.10.
Regards, Stefan
User 1a8d11549a
24-04-2012 07:02:14
Hopefully this fix still is planned for 5.10. I've meanwhile seen some bugfix releases of Marvin 5.9, also fixing import issues, but none of them addressing the current attachment bug. From an import perspective this issue, reported way back on February 2 (i.e. almost 3 month ago), is not cosmetic but in fact a show-stopper which simply will deter many users from importing at all. Therefore some priority for fixing it would be highly appreciated ... Thanks.
Regards, Stefan
ChemAxon f052bdfe3c
25-04-2012 07:19:06
Our core team is working on this bug; and it is still planed for 5.10.
Best Regards,
User 4caaa3dd84
02-07-2013 23:49:29
Is there any news on this?
Behaviour seems to be the same, still in 6.0.2 !
It's really annoying...
ChemAxon f052bdfe3c
04-07-2013 14:13:59
It works for me with our test files.
Could you send me non confidential test files, please, with which I can reproduce this bug.
Thank you,
User 4caaa3dd84
05-07-2013 01:05:25
This is what I'm doing:
1.) Draw Triphenylphosphine (one phosphorous atom with 3 phenyl systems attached to it)
2.) Create Superatom -PPh2 (select two phenyl systems and the phosphorous, goup them)
3.) Contract this Superatom --> the bond will point to the h of the abbreviation and not to the P
ChemAxon 23cc8b5e66
05-07-2013 18:19:43
First of all I have opened the file you posted here in MarvinSketch 6.0.2 and please see the results :
I think this should be the desired behaviour, you are speaking about.
On the other hand, you could spare some extra work creating a group of of PPh2 (and contracting it) because Marvin has such a predefined abbreviated group, which could be reached only by typing "pph2". :)
However if you need to create your special abbreviated groups, and you wish to differentiate how it should be connected from the left or from the right, then please see the "User defined abbreviated groups" section in the documentation:
I hope this helps.
User 4caaa3dd84
05-07-2013 20:32:15
This is strange!
I reopened the file and it worked like expected. But it didn't when it was "freshly drawn" :-(.
I did some testing and had sometimes the "good" and sometimes the "bad" behaviour. Couldn't find a reason, though...It somehow depended on wether the -PPh2 was bonded to a carbon or another (oxygen, e.g.) atom....
Here's another example which I didn't get working - this time the problematic atom is the tin (which was also my original problem):
ChemAxon 23cc8b5e66
09-07-2013 13:57:26
I have "freshly drawn" your example and edited the source to insert the "leftName=Ph3Sn" as Efi already explained here in March of 2012. (Please find below!)
And I have saved the modified mrv file, where the abbreviated groups have a defined "leftName":
I hope this helps.
User 4caaa3dd84
09-10-2013 00:55:30
Beeing on version 6.1.0 now, I wonder why I still do need to adjust the linking atom manually?
The information is obviously included in the drawing - expanded groups have the correct atom linked. Why is it so hard to implement a correctly functioning contraction?
Another thing arised: In the attached file, I don't know how to convince MarvinSketch to display the contracted group as Ph3P instead of PPh3. All efforts in manually editing the source file yielded in groups attached via Ph.
Hasn't there been a function to "bond from the left" or "bond from the right", resp.? I can't find it anymore...
User 4caaa3dd84
09-10-2013 01:56:21
And another issue.
If I take the before attached file and complete it with a reaction arrow, select the "Ph3P"-group and copy-paste it to appear after the reaction arrow, complete it with e.g. a double bond to give PPh3=CH2 (which includes the above problem of not resulting in the chemically correct Ph3P=CH2) and export this to PDF, I get a ugly formatting problem. The subscripted "3" looses the right spacing and gets attached to the "h".
Interestingly, this behaviour seems to depend on the order of actions. If the reaction arrow is inserted after the copy-paste+extending, formatting seems to be stable.
I attached the corresponding files for reference.
[edith] I just observed this behaviour without reaction arrows in a more complicated case. So unfortunately no easy error tracking :-( [/edith]
ChemAxon 00ec07c969
22-10-2013 07:35:04
Dear Guntram,
regarding the PDF export problem, this is, indeed, a bug. We have put it on our TO DO list. Thank you for reporting it to us.
As for displaying the PPh3 contracted group as Ph3P, you have to define the left name of the group as Ph3P, similarly to the previous cases. I attach the modfied version of your reaction file, where this left name has been set for both PPh3 group. Defining the left name is necessary in these cases in Marvin, and we do not plan to change this behavior.
Best regards,
ChemAxon f052bdfe3c
09-01-2014 14:14:20
I am happy to inform you that this pdf export problem will be solved in 6.2 version.
Best Regards,