User af9f7b0f81
29-12-2011 09:29:54
Can anyone help me figure out how to add a carboxyl group to a ring? I simply want the COOH to branch off of another carbon that is attached to a ring. Thank you!
User af9f7b0f81
29-12-2011 09:29:54
Can anyone help me figure out how to add a carboxyl group to a ring? I simply want the COOH to branch off of another carbon that is attached to a ring. Thank you!
ChemAxon 5433b8e56b
29-12-2011 17:01:26
you should simply draw the structure with a carbon atom as a placeholder for the wanted carboxyl group, point to the placeholder atom and type COOH with the keyboard, Marvin will change the atom to a carboxyl group. There are lots of predefined abbreviations that Marvin knows, you should check the documentation about abbreviated groups and s-groups to find out more.