User 4df445ce91
23-12-2011 22:09:19
I did a search and couldn't find a thread on this, but when I'm using Marvin with a word document open, Marvin slows down significantly.. it starts to get laggy and is pretty much unusable with MS word open.
Is there a fix for this?
I'm running MarvinSketch.NET 5.7.1 on Win7 64 bit. and MS Word 2007.
ChemAxon bd13b5bd77
28-12-2011 17:00:57
Could you please specify the steps you have taken more?
It would be nice if we could reproduce the issue.
User 4df445ce91
02-01-2012 08:34:32
Basically all that happens is once I open a MS word file to copy over a structure from MarvinSketch, MarvinSketch starts to run slowly. I was wondering if the two programs are "talking to each other" and this might be what slows it down... The type of word file doesn't seem to make a difference, i.e. if the file already has a structure in it copied from Marvin or if it is a blank MS word file.
I had a similar problem with endnote and word and it was something to do with win7 being a 64 bit system
ChemAxon bd13b5bd77
02-01-2012 09:57:43
Hi Aaron,
I tested this on Vista 32 + Office 2007 32 bit and WIndows7 64 + Office 2007 32 bit.
It looks okay to me, it worked approximately with the same performance.
When you first copy and paste (but not launching OLE for data editing) the Word is "thinking" a little bit though and the first run of the editor from OLE starts slightly slower (but not significantly), it might occur because OLE has to load the java infrastructure (Marvin editor) into the memory.
If you keep the Marvin Open then this will be much faster I mean every OLE editing, please note the Open mode of OLE (not in-plcae mode) can be slower because open mode closes the full OLE (except there is reference on it - this is why worth keeping the Marvin sketch opened).
Any other issue I could not see, it is working normally.
If you still have any other performance issue and experienced with other product as well, it can be something with your Office installation? Possibly.
User 4df445ce91
12-01-2012 08:16:28
Problem solved. I uninstalled the .NET version and installed the 64 bit java verson and now have no problems with it. Thanks for your help.
Just as a side note.. is there anyway to get a squiggily line through a bond? Like the ones you have for R groups?
ChemAxon bd13b5bd77
12-01-2012 08:56:11
Let me forward your question to the Marvin team lead.
Efi, could you please answer?
Thanks, Viktor
ChemAxon 990acf0dec
12-01-2012 09:21:12
Hi Aaron,
There is no directly available graphical object for that, but I created one for you using the polyline graphical object. You can copy/paste it (double-click helps in the selection), or if it too large or you dont like it, you can create another one the same way.
Best regards,