ChemAxon 6c76bc6409
21-12-2011 22:04:40
Dear users,
Marvin 5.8.0 beta is available for testing. For a full list of changes, please see below.
Bug reports: if you found a bug in this beta release, please let us know through the regular support channels.
Marvin 5.8.0 beta changes:
New features and improvements
- MarvinSketch GUI
- Group types on "group creation" dialoge can be configured.
- The icon of manual atom mapping has been changed.
- A new radical electron setting and the corresponding toolbar icon group has been introduced, solely for educational purposes: Up to four radical electrons can be defined for an atom, and it is arranged evenly in the empty space around the atom label.
- Recent file list length has been increased up to 50. (The default is 25.)
- MarvinView GUI
- Atom mark and atom highlight display can be enabled/disabled.
- Import/Export
- Structure to Name (s2n)
- New name format option: "source" has been introduced to print the names present in the source molecule data. For instance, molconvert name:source input.sdf.
- Name to Structure (n2s)
- Automatic text OCR (optical character recognition) has been added to support document to structure conversion of scanned (non searchable) PDF documents.
- n2s handles stereochemistry of cyclic monosaccharides.
- Extended support for common names: n2s can convert 123 thousand common names – including synonyms – corresponding to 34 thousand structures instead of the previous 63 and 28 thousand, respectively.
- The information on the selected atoms and bonds can be stored in MRV format.
- MRV format has been changed: there is no indentation, there are line-breakes only after the header and after the documents. The original format (including line-breakes and indentation) can be achieved using the -P option; this previous format is displayed – for easier reading – in the Edit > Source window in Marvin graphical applications. See export options here.
- ChemAxon Extended SMARTS represents R-group (Markush) structures.
- CML bondStereo implementation has been completed with atom references.
- CML format has been changed: there is no indentation, there are line-breakes only after the molecules and after the header. The original format (including line-breakes and indentation) can be achieved using the -P option; this previous format is displayed – for easier reading – in the Edit > Source window in Marvin graphical applications. See export options here.
- Structure to Name (s2n)
- Calculator Plugins
- New integrated component: NMR Predictor Beta has been implemented.
- "Consider tautomerization" option has been renamed to "Consider tautomerization/resonance" in logP and logD calculator plugins.
- "Tools" menu content has been moved to "Calculations" menu.
- Data transfer
- Native PDF format as the default image pasteboard format is used on MAC systems. It allows the user to copy a structure (which was originally created by either Marvin or ChemDraw) from a Microsoft Office 2011 document and to paste it to Marvin.
- More verbose logging from from OLE Dotnet panel (catching managed bridge exceptions via COM) has been introduced.
- MarvinView
- Sometimes molecules were lost when switching from "Spreadsheet mode" (Table>Options>Table Type) to "Molecule matrix" mode.
- When a zero length structure file was opened, the content of the previous file remained in the viewer until the first repainting.
- Scrolling up and down increased the number of molecules and changed their orders.
- Painting
- Until the first repaint, textbox was smaller than required, and the content was cropped to its size.
- Import/Export
- Structure to Name (s2n)
- Incorrect name was generated for chiral allenes, for instance: (2M)-1,3-dichloropropa-1,2-diene, the correct is 1M. (The locant was previously in the middle of the cumulated double bond system, but is now at the beginning of it, as prescribed by IUPAC.)
- Fixed generation of names in the case where a radical marker "yl" was missing, for instance "...(4-methylbenzene)sulfonyl..." instead of the correct form "...(4-methylphenyl)sulfonyl..."
- Name to Structure (n2s)
- Automatic name format recognition failed for names containing unicode prime characters.
- CAS number cache could get corrupted and created failures.
- Document to Structure (d2s)
- The total length (getEstimatedTotalCharacters) was not available to progress listeners during Document to Structure conversion of PDFs using the API.
- CXSMILES IO error due to non-escaped characters appeared.
- The name imported from SMILES format was wrong in rare cases, when special characters (e.g., |) were in the fields part of the extended SMILES.
- Structure to Name (s2n)
- Calculator Plugins
- logP and pKa calculations threw error at heavy atom count 300.