User 6cec6c5ae2
18-10-2011 20:39:11
At the end of installation, a message appears:
"Cannot run installdotnetapi.bat"
What should I do?
User 6cec6c5ae2
18-10-2011 20:39:11
At the end of installation, a message appears:
"Cannot run installdotnetapi.bat"
What should I do?
ChemAxon 5433b8e56b
23-10-2011 13:53:35
this error message means that some parts of the MarvinBeans package did not installed correctly.
Marvin requires some windows specific libraries, and executables to be registered to correctly fullfil windows specific operations such as EMF export, or OLE copy, or to do some registry operations regarding to these windows specific functionalities. The installdotnetapi.bat file runs the MarvinBeans .Net installer which is placed in the marvin installasion library (usually Program Files/Chemaxon/MarvinBeans). To find out the problem, you may run the JChem_NET_API.Marvin.x86.msi or JChem_NET_API.Marvin.x64.msi, depending on the architecture you selected to install, from the MarvinBeans installation library and check what it says. You can also check the installdotnetapi.log file there and find out the cause of the problem.
After fixing the problem, you should run the .Net api installer again, and it should work, and should be enough to fix the installation problem.
I hope this helps, if you have no clue on the error, please attach or send me the installdotnetapi.log file for evaluation.
Best regards,
User 6cec6c5ae2
23-10-2011 15:40:58
Нi, Istvan
Of course, due to extreme stupidity, I do not understand from your recommendations. Therefore, I attach a file
ChemAxon b62f37c21a
24-10-2011 09:52:15
Hello Alexandr,
The log file you sent seems to be OK, I could not find any error in that.
Could you please check whether the 'Copy as Marvin Object (OLE)' feature is available in MarvinSketch?
To do this, put a molecule onto the canvas, select it and click on the Edit menu, Copy As. A dialog appears with the title 'Copy Special'. The first element of the list should be 'Marvin Object (OLE)'.
Thank you,
Gabor Vasko
User 6cec6c5ae2
24-10-2011 14:16:43
Hello, Gabor!
Yes, the first item in the list.
In any case, I found ... and ran it. Appeared empty a black window MS DOS anddisappeared after a few seconds ...
Maybe it is it was not necessary do, but I have attached a new file log.
User 6cec6c5ae2
24-10-2011 21:20:51
Hello, Gabor!
I apologize for the bad post.
Yes, the first item in the list is: 'Marvin Object (OLE) .
In any case, I found 'installdotnetapi.bat' and ran it. Appeared empty a black window MS DOS and disappeared after a few seconds ...
Maybe it was not necessary do, but I have attached a new file log.
ChemAxon b62f37c21a
28-10-2011 09:56:27
Hello Alexandr,
Sorry for the late answer.
Yes, this log contains useful information:
Warning 4154. .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 prerequisite was not correctly installed.
To check if the .NET framework is installed on your system, please run regedit and check the value of this key:
It should be 1, as described in the MSDN.
If the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 is not installed on your machine, Windows-related features simply will not work. The .NET Framework is not part of the operating system, it should be installed separately. Please note that the .NET Framework 4 does not contain the version 3.5, so please install exactly 3.5 SP1.
Hope this helps.
Best regards,
Gabor Vasko
User 6cec6c5ae2
30-10-2011 20:44:28
Hi, Gabor!
Thank you for your reply.
You correctly identify the cause.
On my computer was not installed version 3.5.
I installed this version from the Internet.
When will the new version Marvin (0.3), I have reinstall Marvin.
But now the my computer has already six (!) versions. NET:
1) 1.1
2) 2.0 SP1
3) 2.0 SP1 Language Pack - Rus
4) 3.0 SP1
5) 3.0 SP1 Language Pack - Rus
6) 3.5
Which of them can be removed?
I would be happy to get advice ...
ChemAxon b62f37c21a
03-11-2011 06:17:05
Hi Alexandr,
I think you should keep all of them. I hope you have the SP1 for the 3.5 as well.
Until 3.5, .NET framework contains all earlier versions, so you cannot remove 2.0 and keep 3.5, you can handle them all together, or just the latest one. Anyway, all of them are necessary.
Best regards,
Gabor Vasko
User 6cec6c5ae2
16-11-2011 15:39:12
Hello, Gvasko !
I'm sorry.
Today has installed Marvinbeans-5.7.0-windows_with_jre.exe
Again in the end of installation message appears :
Cannot run installdotnetapi.bat
What can I do?
ChemAxon b62f37c21a
16-11-2011 21:23:35
Hello Alexandr,
You wrote that you have .NET Framework
6) 3.5
Perhaps my comment was not clear enough:
I hope you have the SP1 for the 3.5 as well.
So 3.5 is not enough, you need SP1, please check the value in the registry:
It should be 1.
If it is 0, please find the Microsoft installer here.
Hope this helps.
Best regards,
Gabor Vasko
User 6cec6c5ae2
17-11-2011 20:13:05
Hello Gabor !
After your of detailed instructions the installation was successful.
Thank you very much!
ChemAxon b62f37c21a
17-11-2011 20:25:11
Hi Alexandr,
Thank you for your respond, glad to hear the good news.
Best regards,
Gabor Vasko