User 6cec6c5ae2
16-10-2011 06:41:20
I estimate with Calculator plugin values of Acid Dissociation Constant Ka. It is macro acid constants.
How I can to estimate the value of micro constant for my of micro species (small letters "k")?
User 851ac690a0
19-10-2011 09:50:58
pls. follow these steps:
In the "Marvin GUI" ==> Tools ==> protonation ==> pKa==> on the pKa option panel ==>Mode option ==> select the "micro" mode.
User 6cec6c5ae2
19-10-2011 14:47:09
Hi, Jozsi !
Most likely, I incorrectly named the quantities that interest me ...
I ask you to explain to me again like this:
1. Open the manual section "pKa Calculation".
2. Select the section "6. Ionization Steps of the AH3 Molecule".
3. We look at the formula of "k1 k2 =...; =...; ... k12 =..."
I want to have the numerical values of k1 - k12 for my tribasicpolyphenols, but not red and blue numbers pKa .... How do I get them?
User 851ac690a0
20-10-2011 16:41:09
First of alI I suppose you can use Marvin.
Secondly draw the microspecies separately into the canvas of the Marvin
Thirdly follow my answer given here above : Wed Oct 19, 2011 9:50 am