User 55b0bf76d5
04-10-2011 17:32:44
To whom it may concern,
I am a Pharmacy student currently undergoing my 5th year of studies. As a part of my undergraduate project I have to create a website with two - and three dimensional structures of several drug molecules. I have managed to upload two dimensional structures as jpegs on the website, but I would like to use MarvinSpace Viewer - or if not possible Marvin view so that the three dimensional structures may be visualised online.
Unfortunately I am not very good with programming and would greatly appreciate help from somebody who is capable of such things. I would like to embed one of the above mentioned programs into the website, the problem is that I don't know what to do. I've tried reviewing previous threads and the help section but to no avail. If any kind soul is willing to help please contact me .
Thanking you in advance
ChemAxon 5433b8e56b
05-10-2011 00:10:23
Hi Michael,
I think the applet example pages, and the usage of the javascript methods that are presented in marvin.js may help you.
The examples on MarvinView are here:
The examples on MarvinSpace are here:
If you want to visualize more then four or five molecules in one page, i suggest to use MarvinView, and its table layouts, since if you try to load more applets in one page, that could seriously slow down the browser of the client.
If you have to configure the webserver also, or experiencing problems, i also suggest to read our applet faq here:
You also can use the molconvert tool on the server side, or even the MarvinBeans library to write a small servlet to create 3D images of the drug molecules, and some javascript code to replace the pictures with applets, when the user wants to do something with the molecule (e.g. rotate). But this second option requires a little knowledge about javascript, and Java Sevlet Container, maybe some jsp a Java Servlet, nd maybe some other technics. I think this is a more advanced approach, and if the simple usage of applets is enough to you (in performace and page initialization time), then just simply use the applets.
If you have specific question regarding to the usage of the View or Space applet, do not hasitate to ask.