MarvinSketch Image Export Font

User dcf64dabfe

20-07-2011 19:32:08


Is it possible to specify a font-family in the image export options? I do not see a param available here:


ChemAxon 5433b8e56b

22-07-2011 09:56:19

Hi Chris,

there is an undocumented parameter on this, i will extend the documentation, until that time here is the description on the parameter.

The parameter name is atomFont, the value should be separated from the name with a colon character. The value should be in the following format: FontFamily-FontStyle-FontSize the separator character of the fields is a dash character.

FontFamily should be one of the font family name accepted by java.
FontStyle should be one of the following strings: PLAIN, BOLD, ITALIC, BOLDITALIC.
FontSize should be a float value. Which represents the font size like java.awt.Font.getSize2D().

Unfortunatelly i found problems also, the FontStyle, and FontSize does not take affect in the image generation. I will file a ticket into our issue tracker, how urgent and important the malfunctioning part for you?
