cound not draw second arrow in a reaction scheme

User ec10c44855

18-07-2011 21:09:34

I was drawing a reaction scheme using Marvin Sketch 5.5. After I drew the first reactant and an arrow then the product I could not draw the second arrow to continue the scheme. I tried many times and got the same result. Incidentally, one of the representatives from ChemAxon was visiting my lab last Friday and I showed him the problem. He suggested me to post the issue in the forum. I am hoping that some of you may have encountered the same problem and either know the solution or someone from ChemAxon can help to solve this problem.


Asim Debnath

NYBC, New York

ChemAxon 990acf0dec

19-07-2011 16:31:18


MarvinSketch currently does not support multiple reactions using real reaction arrows, but if you need only the drawing, you can create multistep reactions using graphical arrows instead by the Insert > Graphics > Single Arrow menu.


Best regards,

