Valence display in MViewPane

User 90425de59b

26-05-2011 10:36:39

Hi there,

I was wondering if it was possible to remove programatically the display of atoms valence in MViewPane ? Didn't find such option in the documentation...

It is possible through: left click on the viewer -> Misc -> Valence option ; when unchecked, the valence label do not appears on each atom, but I can't find a way to do this programatically, e.g. mviewPane.hideValence() or such...

Thanks in advance :)

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

26-05-2011 15:18:01

We will check this it.

ChemAxon 12eab24e0a

27-05-2011 09:31:31


unfortunately there is no option in MViewPane to hide Valence properties.

Sorry for the inconvenience!

Best regards,


ChemAxon 12eab24e0a

27-05-2011 12:25:31


I have a good news, we'll add the visibility of valence properties to the parameters both in MSketchPane and MViewPane. You'll find it in the next release.

Best regards,


ChemAxon 12eab24e0a

03-06-2011 12:17:45


you can set display options in mviewPane  or in msketchPane by setParams(String s) method.

The parameters can be found at :

We've introduced a new parameter what fits to your request called "valencePropertyVisible".  You can find it in the sketchman page right now, we missed out from the wiewman. But no worries, it works in mviewPane too. (Fix of viewman comes out in the new release.) You find the usage of it in sketchman.html too!

Best regards,


User 870ab5b546

16-09-2011 19:23:07

I've upgraded to Marvin, and the commands,

msketch_param('valencePropertyVisible', 'false');


mview_param('valencePropertyVisible', 'false');

don't make valence properties invisible, either in MarvinSketch or in MarvinView.  See the screen shot.


ChemAxon d44f555baf

19-09-2011 08:09:19


Use the setParams method. This one worked for me, both in sketch and view.

MarvinPane pane;

pane = new MSketchPane();



Best Regards,


User 870ab5b546

19-09-2011 12:53:22

I am using the Marvin JS library to start the applets, as follows:

function startMSketch(marvinMol, qFlagsJS, appletName) {
msketch_name = appletName;
msketch_begin('/nosession/marvin', panelWidth, panelHeight);
msketch_param('molbg', '#ffffff');
msketch_param('menuconfig', configurationFile);
msketch_param('scale', '32'); // C-C bond length in pixels; also increases font size
msketch_param('implicitH', hydrogensVisible);
} // startMSketch()

function startMView(width, height, mol, displayFlags, mviewNum, elementId, qdNum) {
mview_name = 'marvinView' + mviewNum;
mview_begin('/nosession/marvin', newWidth, height);
mview_param('mol', mol);
mview_param('molbg', '#FFFFFF');
mview_param('rendering', 'wireframe');
} // startMView()

I do not want to change the way I invoke MarvinSketch or MarvinView.  The mview_param() and msketch_param() Javascript methods insert the tag, 

<param NAME="valencePropertyVisible" VALUE="false">

into the applet HTML invocation.  According to your documentation, this line should be enough to make the parameter take effect.  But apparently, it does not work.  Please fix.

ChemAxon 12eab24e0a

19-09-2011 13:31:09

Dear Bob,

Yes, that's really a bug. The problem is not with the syntax but  for some reason the valence with value "0" is painted anyway,  even if the parameter is set to false. Other values are not painted but the zero. Thank you for reporting, I do fix it asap.



ChemAxon 12eab24e0a

22-09-2011 15:23:18

Dear Bob,

The bug is fixed, the fix comes out in the next 5.7 version.



User 870ab5b546

22-09-2011 15:25:55

Thanks.  Any idea of a release data for it?  (Weeks, months...?)

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

23-09-2011 10:02:53

I guess 5.7 is comming in a couple of weeks.