User 48b145d3f5
12-05-2011 18:56:39
Dear ChemAxon support,
I am using the JChem api to export an image from an SD file that contains highlighted bonds. The file has the type of format pasted below. If I paste the same image in msketch I see atoms highlighted, but from the API I get the image not highlighted. This is the format I am using to export the image (imageColors was set to CPK)
png:"+hydrogens + "," + imageColors +"," + aromaticity + ",w" + imageResolution +",maxscale150" +",h" + imageResolution +",wireThickness" + 0.04 +",#00ffffff";
M V30 11 2 9 7 M V30 12 1 8 6 M V30 END BOND M V30 BEGIN COLLECTION M V30 MDLV30/HILITE BONDS=(12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12) M V30 MDLV30/HILITE ATOMS=(11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11) M V30 END COLLECTION M V30 END CTAB M END