User 74ac430c00
10-05-2011 15:22:14
Hey, i'm totally new and i'm trying to copy the Structur from Marvin sketch into my word doc, but this doesn't work...
Ive tried it with copy paste, but when i "Paste", there are only twenty lines with text for a html,like this:
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<molecule molID="m1">
<atom elementType="C"
y2="15.443593978881834" />
<atom elementType="C"
y2="14.673593978881831" />
<atom elementType="C"
y2="14.673593978881838" />
<atom elementType="O"
y2="16.983593978881835" />
<bond atomRefs2="a1 a2" order="1"
<bond atomRefs2="a1 a3" order="1"
<bond atomRefs2="a1 a4" order="2"
To safe it as png or jpeg is ok, but i want to change it later and with that way i can't...
pls help
thx Lydell
ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf
17-05-2011 10:34:05
Please, try transfering the structure by the following way:
1. Select the desired compound in Marvin.
2. Choose Marvin OLE option from the Edit / Copy As... dialog
3. Paste it in MS-Word.
Does it work for you?
If not, please check whether Marvin OLE support is available on your machine.
If Marvin OLE document is available among insertable objects in MS-Word, Marvin OLE support is properly installed.
The Marvin OLE requires JChem .NET API. The Marvin Beans installer setups it automatically.
User 74ac430c00
20-05-2011 11:24:55
Thanks for your help, but it doesnt work anyway, cause i dont find marvin ole...
If tried to install marvin beans for new, but theres nothing called Marvin ole...?
Do I have to install JChem.NET.API?
Sorry, but my english isn't the best, see^^
User 870ab5b546
20-05-2011 13:53:37
If you are a Mac user, this is the only method I know of that works:
- Choose Edit -> Select All.
- Choose Edit -> Copy As....
- Choose PNG image.
- Go to MS Word and paste the image. You can resize it if you like.
Unfortunately, this method does not allow you to copy the structure from Word back into Marvin for editing. See this discussion.
ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf
23-05-2011 08:52:13
User 74ac430c00
24-05-2011 11:06:13
Okay, i'm using windows, and i dont really understand nothing -.-
I have installed the marvin beans package and its supposed to hold the marvin ole, or not? but there isnt any marvin ole on my computer and on the save as... option i cant choose it nether...ive red the topics but im not intelligenter as before....
ive tried to copy as image, but this way, the structur will be spongy, means not that good in quality...
i think i have to go on with snipping...
thanks for the help
ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf
26-05-2011 12:20:53
Which MS-Windows version you have? Do you have 32- or 64bit Windows?
What was the name of the downloaded installer file that you used to setup the Marvin Beans package?
Did you have administration right on the target machine?
Are there any other ChemAxon products installed to the machine? Please check the list of the installed programs on your machine. Is JChem .NET API there?
User 74ac430c00
29-06-2011 03:47:24
Finally i've done it^^
Marvin OLE works and its so great, im so happy that it works finally^^
Thanks for all your help, the threat can be closed
User 74a22c3aaf
10-12-2012 02:43:06
Tamas wrote: |
Please, try transfering the structure by the following way:
1. Select the desired compound in Marvin.
2. Choose Marvin OLE option from the Edit / Copy As... dialog
3. Paste it in MS-Word.
Does it work for you?
If not, please check whether Marvin OLE support is available on your machine.
If Marvin OLE document is available among insertable objects in MS-Word, Marvin OLE support is properly installed.
The Marvin OLE requires JChem .NET API. The Marvin Beans installer setups it automatically.
I am facing the same issue, but your answer cannot help me.
I use Microsoft office 2011 for Mac OS X 10.8.2 and I would like to copy chemical structures from MarviSketch to Word and the only thing I got is a PDF drawing, and with that it is impossible to modify the structure directly through Word (I mean by a double click linking the *.doc* document to MarvinSketch.
I have downloaded JChem.NET documentations (and the programme JChem for Java users) but I still cannot see the Marvin OLE option when I try to copy the molecule from *.mrv* files.
I also read that JChem.NET does not fit well with Mac OS X; am I wrong? Should I give up?
Thank you for your help.
MR, a new mac user that starting to be desapointed, lol ;)
ChemAxon 00ec07c969
11-12-2012 11:38:06
Dear Marysa,
unfortunately, MS Office does not support OLE for Mac. You can embed the structure in pdf format only and you cannot modify it.
Best regards,
User 74a22c3aaf
11-12-2012 19:30:42
Ok, thank you Dora. But do you know if it is planned to have this tool (OLE copy) one day on Mac OS X?
(sorry for the triple post ;)
User 870ab5b546
11-12-2012 19:36:19
I have been asking for this feature for YEARS. It should be possible to embed the MRV code into a picture as metadata, and to extract the metadata when the picture is pasted back into MarvinSketch. Tamas looked into the possibility for a little while, but he had limited success, and he was pulled onto other projects. See this discussion.
User 74a22c3aaf
11-12-2012 20:24:46
Yeah, that is a very old story unfortunately
PC users are more lucky on that point compared to Mac users. I gona do with it because I cannot do without ;)
ChemAxon f052bdfe3c
13-12-2012 10:59:33
Hi Bob,
We save the metadata into pdf from version 5.8: It allows the user to copy a structure (which was originally created by
either Marvin or ChemDraw) from a Microsoft Office 2011 document and to
paste it to Marvin. However, it does not work with older Office versions.
Best Regards,