User 5fe8796231
01-04-2011 05:53:51
Bug in R/S labels with group substitute?
On picture below the second structure is a copy (Ctrl A - Ctrl C - Ctrl V) of the first one.
User 5fe8796231
01-04-2011 05:53:51
Bug in R/S labels with group substitute?
On picture below the second structure is a copy (Ctrl A - Ctrl C - Ctrl V) of the first one.
ChemAxon 25dcd765a3
01-04-2011 09:13:14
It is very strange.
I have drawn the left structure by hand and the shown stereochemistry is S.
And so if I copy it it will remain S.
How did you get the left structure with R chirality?
User 5fe8796231
02-04-2011 03:04:22
volfi wrote: |
How did you get the left structure with R chirality? |
I can reproduce the picture as next:
View - Stereo - R/S Labels - All
draw isobutane
point by mouse at bottom bond and type "6" ("down" bond)
point at left atom and type "N"
point at rigth atom and type "Ad"
Ctrl A - Ctrl C - Ctrl V
But if add "Ad" group via menu Insert - Groups, true S-configuration is produced.
Best regards.
ChemAxon 25dcd765a3
05-04-2011 13:05:00
I have tried to reproduce the problem, but without success.
My main problem is to reproduce the original "R" chirality value.
I have done exactly the following:
View - Stereo - All, isobutane, point by mouse at bottom bond and type "6" point at left atom and type "N" point at rigth atom and type "Ad" And the printed chirality values is "S". Product Version: MarvinSketch Could you please copy the version from help -> About marvinsketch. I may not use the same version?
Build Date: 2011-02-16
Operating System: i386 Linux
Java: Sun Microsystems Inc. Java 1.6.0_14
User 5fe8796231
06-04-2011 06:03:00
My system information:
Product Version: MarvinSketch
Build Date: 2011-02-16
Operating System: i386 Linux
Java: Sun Microsystems Inc. Java 1.6.0_06
And I find that after
mv ~/.chemaxon ~/.chemaxonSA
the problem has disappeared.
Best regards,
P.S. If you want to investigate this case, my old config dir is in attached archive.
ChemAxon 25dcd765a3
08-04-2011 11:30:49
It was a bug in chirality calculation, we have fixed it already.
Thank you for the report.