User 83c8dbce58
04-03-2011 15:34:23
In the past several days my colleagues and I have encountered two serious problems with Marvin:
1. We load the search page, and only get a black screen where the drawing tool should be
2. The tool loads, but only the drawing field is active - there is no way to use any of the drop down menus at the top. Right-click copy and paste functions also don't work (the menu does not even appear).
I am running Java 6 update 24 on Firefox 3.6.14. As per the usual Marvin instructions, I have cleared the browser cache via the Firefox Java Console, and did a general deletions of all Java temporary files using the main Windows Control Panel Java console. Neither measure did anything to change the behavior.
These are pretty serious issues, and not only can we not demo SureChem, but any of our users who have Firefox and the latest version of Java are likely also encountering these problems.