User 8c57fe7217
22-02-2011 19:29:17
JChem installer does not install MarvinBeans on Mac OS X (10.6.6). Instead, you have to find the dmg file manually to run the installer. On WinXP, the MarvinBeans installer starts automatically when finishing the complete installation from JChem.
ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf
25-02-2011 15:28:16
Yes, it is a shortcoming of the Mac OS X installer of JChem. This request (autolaunch of bundled Marvin Beans installer) has been already registered in our feature request list.
User 8c57fe7217
25-02-2011 16:25:52
Thank you for your reply. I look forward to a new installer that will take care of this problem. A more significant problem for the Mac version is the delayed start-up of programs such as Marvin Sketch; I have made inquiries about this in separate posts.
Best regards,