Open Dialog Modal in front of marvinSketch

User 0d44f06f91

21-02-2011 08:54:24


I m using the marvin applet in my web site.

I have a
problem that when I open a simple modal that should appear in top, it
appear behind the sketch and the marvinSketch stay active.

Do you have any idea how can I cause marvinSketch to behave like the rest of the page and stay behind the modal and not active?


ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

21-02-2011 10:35:41

Please give more details for the bug report.

1. Operating system

2. Java version

3. Marvin Version

4. Can you reproduce this error with ChemAxon's Marvin Applets examples too?

User 0d44f06f91

21-02-2011 10:53:40


I am using: x86  windows XP 5.1 , marvinSketch 5.38, java 1.60_24.

I succeeded to fix part of the problem by changing the z index of the div which contain the marvinSketch.

is there an option to change the z index of the marvinSketch itself?


ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

22-02-2011 13:45:16

Thanks for the feedback.

I don't think that MarvinSketch applet would do it itself.

The applet manages only Java Swing components (in the same JVM). It does not refer out to the html components (DOM) on the same page to modify their z-order.