User 48b145d3f5
31-01-2011 17:46:09
I have implemented the code below as part of a JAVA application
I needed to use the JComponent to be able to add the mouselistener to mviewpane.
However, the use of this JComponent causes problems when I double click mviewpane: now the molecule modified with msketch is not updated in the mviewpane and disappears from the mviewpane itself.
What should I do to fix this?
Thank you
MViewPane mviewPane=
new MViewPane();
JComponent comp
= mviewPane.getVisibleCellComponent(0);
ChemAxon e274e1bada
31-01-2011 17:51:25
I have moved this topic to the appropriate forum, the Marvin experts will respond soon.
Regards, Edvard
ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf
01-02-2011 11:38:00
I have created a simple test application (based on your code) to check custom mouse listener. See the attached example.
But I have not found any problem: after double click, molecule can be edited. As I closed sketcher, updated structure was appeared in viewer.
Which Marvin version do you use?
Please try the attached example with your Marvin instance. Does it work for you?
Is this code suitable for you?
User 48b145d3f5
01-02-2011 19:45:40
Thank you Tamas.
It works now, before I was adding mviewPane to comp instead of adding it to the JFrame.
ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf
02-02-2011 14:03:09
I am glad that I could help you. Thanks for the feedback.