Erase on MarvinSketch not working for Marvin Applets 3.5.1

User d68ef9d5a9

22-06-2005 17:26:12


The erase function on MarvinSketch seems not working for Marvin Applets version 3.5.1. I can use 'select' function and 'delete' on keyboard to do the same as erase. But 'erase' function is much more convenient.

In my application, applet is embedded in html page with following codes. We are using JChem version 3.0.2. Any suggestions?

Ben Li


<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.1" SRC="/jchem/marvin/marvin.js"></script>

<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.1">



msketch_begin("/jchem/marvin", 450, 400);

msketch_param("bgcolor", "#b5b5b5");

msketch_param("molbg", "#F0F0F0");

msketch_param("implicitH", "off");

msketch_param("undo", "50");


msketch_param("preload", "MolExport,GraphInvariants,Parity");





ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

23-06-2005 11:41:30

Dear Ben Li,

To tell the truth, I do not understand your problem. The Erase button works perfectly.

Perhaps, you are in Selection mode (Select button is switched on). In this case, the Cut button displays on the toolbar instead of Erase. If you exit from selection mode (by switching on any other button than Select), the Erase button will be available.

You can delete with Erase button by the following way:

1. Switch on the Erase button on the toolbar.

2. Move the mouse to the canvas.

3. Select objects: Press down the left button of the mouse somewhere on the canvas. This point will be the first corner of the selection rectangle. Drag the mouse on the canvas. You will see a blue rectangle as you move the mouse. This will be the selection rectangle. Release the mouse if all objects that you would like to erase are inside the rectangle. (The selected objects are drawn with highlighted color.) As mouse button is released, selected components are erased immediately.
