Incorrect parsing of CML files

User b839c79060

14-12-2010 22:31:16

Hi, I have a CML file containing 4 stereocenters. It seems that JChem (5.2.1_1, OS X, JDK 1.6) is parsing the CML incorrectly such that it gets the stereochemistry wrong. The CML file is attached. When I paste the CML into MarvinSketch the stereo centers get labeled R,R,S,S. However the actual order should be R,R, S, R. I have check the CML file using Openbabel, by converting it to a SMILES and then pasting that into MarvinSketch and the result has the correct stereochemistry.

Is this a bug? Or is there some specific settings that must be used to take into account absolute stereocenters?



ChemAxon 5433b8e56b

25-12-2010 11:57:52


first of all, sorry for the very late answer.

After testing the file and confirm the stereo configuration data in the attached cml, i can say that this seems to be a bug in our import unfortunatelly. We will fix this in one of the next patch releases of Marvin. In the mean time, i can suggest to use the iupac name of the molecule, that is in the cml file also, and Marvin imports it correctly as i discovered.

We will notify you in this topic when the fix is ready.
